
Friday, March 8, 2019

Differences in Competencies Between Associate Degree and Baccalaureate Degree Nurses Essay

Differences in Competencies Between consociate Degree and Baccalaureate Degree Nurses Nursing education can be confusing because there are so many ways to pop off a entertain. However, throughout history, nurse leaders have advocated the importance of higher(prenominal) education for nurses. But as care for shortages developed, the need for to a greater extent than and much nurses became apparent. To help solve the care for shortage problem, Mildred Montag developed the assort ground level of nursing program (ADN) in 1952. It was designed to be completed in two eld and provide a balance of general nursing education along with clinical courses.The original program designed by Mildred Montag was for associate point nurses to work under the supervision of captain bachelors degree prepared nurses. Due to confusion, the graduates of the associate degree nursing program were allowed to tantalise for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). This NCLEX exam was th e same exam given to bachelors degree degree nurses (Creasia & Friberg, 2011). Now, associate degree nurses can be found in al well-nigh every setting from hospitals to long term care facilities.However, nevertheless though associate nurses have the skills to provide adequate persevering care, the good education of the baccalaureate degree nurse provides leadership skills, put awayd full of life thinking skill and improved long-suffering outcomes (Lane & Kohlenberg, 2010). Therefore, in recent years the difference in competencies between the associate degree nurse and the baccalaureate degree nurse has been examined, resulting in a push for more nurses to welcome a bachelors degree (BSN). Associate degree nursing programs teach the adept aspect of nursing care. An associate prepared nurse can occasion well at the bedside.She can monitor the affected roles unavoidably and record the outcomes of treatments. An associate prepared nurse can use minute thinking skills to det ermine her best course of action in most situations. But the constantly changing field of healthcare is demanding higher meliorate nurses. It is demanding nurses that are more professional and have an understanding of theory base practice. Nursing and medical organizations across the nation are recommending that all RNs advance their education. An advanced level of education can improve patient asylum and quality of care ( concomitant Sheet Creating, 2013).This has been evidenced by legion(predicate) studies on the correlation between higher educated nurses and patient outcomes. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania conducted a study that found surgical patients had 14% commence odds of dying as an inpatient within 30 age when being cared for by higher educated nurses. Another study conducted at the University of Toronto found hospitals that increased their pool of baccalaureate prepared nurses by conscionable 10% had a decrease in death of discharged patients (Fact S heet Creating, 2013).To fully understand the differences in competencies between an ADN and a BSN, it may be necessary to evaluate how each would perform in a specific patient care situation. For example, a 66 year priapic is hospitalized with an open wound on his leg. The wound is positive for MRSA and the patient is diabetic. The associate degree nurse dresses the wound properly, and teaches the patient how to take care of the wound. She helps get off the patients diabetes and teaches him how to manage it at menage. The patient is discharged berth with instructions and prescriptions.He is re-admitted a week later with high declension scratchings and a worsening leg wound. The same patient is cared for by a nurse with a BSN. During his stay the nurse dresses his wound properly, and manages his blood sugar levels. During her time with him, the nurse questions the patient about his family and his home. Through casual intercourse she discovers the patient lives alone, but his little girl lives close by. She also learns he is ineffectual to clean his home properly, but he is adamant about staying there.With the patients permission, the nurse contacts the patients daughter to learn more about the challenges the patient faces in caring for himself. After talking with the daughter, the nurse discovers the patient has not had an eye exam in 5 years and his vision is poor. He does not follow a diabetic food and prefers to eat out rather than cook at home. Armed with this spick-and-span information, the nurse talks with the patient. She tactfully points out his vision problems and poor diet choices. The patient admits he needs new glasses, but cannot afford them. He admits to having trouble seeing the numbers on his insulin syringe.He also states quest a diabetic diet is too difficult so he doesnt bother. The nurse takes this information to the hospitals case circumspection team and together they get home health care that entrust help him with his dressi ngs. They also manage to find help to clean his home and funding to get him new glasses. The nurse then makes an appointment for the patient for diabetic teaching provided by the hospital. Prior to discharge the nurse teaches the daughter how to change the wound dressing and how to give insulin injections. She encourages the daughter to go withthe patient to diabetic education classes. The BSN nurse did more than just discharge the patient.She apply the metaparadigm of nursing model to treat the patient as a whole. The metaparadigm consists of mortal, environment, health, nursing and how they all interact with each other. (Gunther, 2011). She recognized the patient was an individual person with individual health needs. She discovered his physical and environmental challenges and learned how they were change his health. Utilizing the information she obtained she found the patient the appropriate help for his situation.The associate degree nurse is certainly capable of taking care of patients in to the highest degree any healthcare setting. However, healthcare is changing rapidly with increased bite and short lengths of stay and nursing must change with it by producing more professional, well-educated nurses. References Creasia, J. L. , & Friberg, E. E. (2011). Pathways of Nursing Education. In M. Iannuzzi, & R. Richman (Eds. ), Conceptual foundations The bridge to professional nursing practice (5th ed. (pp. 23-26). PageBurst. Retrieved from www. elsevier.com Fact sheet Creating a more highly certifiable nursing workforce. (2013). Retrieved from http//www. aacn. nche. edu/media-relations/fact-sheets/nursing-workforce Gunther, M. (2011). Theories and frameworks for professional nursing practice. In M. Iannuzzi, & R. Richman (Eds. ), Conceptual foundations The bridge to professional nursing practice (5th ed. (pp. 97-99). PageBurst. Retrieved from www. elsevier. com Lane, S. H. , & Kohlenberg, E. (2010). The future of baccalaureate degrees for nurses. Nursing Forum, 45(4), 218-227. doi10. 1111/j. 1744-6198. 2010. 00194.

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